Runners High With Bala
Legal Disclaimer: Develop, connect and create a strong network of amazing human beings. Amazing Humans = Enjoy Success and learn from failures + Help Others + Constantly be in state of self motivation + Positive mindset Long distance endurance running is a medium for us to execute this mission.

Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Excited to welcome all of you to our Curtain Raiser fire side chat for S11 along with 4 our coaches: Coach Sujaa, Coach Srivatsan, Coach Srikanth and Coach Bala.
We discuss few key guiding themes for the season

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Senior Runner Sonali Oltikar speaks with runners Rakesh Acharya, Siva Narayanan and Radhika Goli about their race day prep and experience.

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
In this weekends episode, Coach Bala talks abt the logic behind limiting long run distance to ~80% of the race distance.
Concept introduced for concept of two advanced running metric :
1. Lactate Threshold
2. VO2 Max

Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
In this week's message Coach Bala shares his view on two key messages on Mental Strength and how to work with it.
1. Mental Benchmark: This is the artificial high water mark that our brain impose on our limits to physical ability. As we keep increasing this high water mark, we all can magically experience the appropriate increase in physical strength as well. Learn more about this!
2. Banked Run Strategy: Ability to plan a run and bank some time towards the end of the mile to walk and catch your breadth without losing the target split for that mile. This also helps to break the monotony and will help your mind get rejuvenated. There are other benefits too.
Listen to find out more

Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Senior RHWB Runner Sonali Oltikar debuts as a podcaster with a fascinating conversation with runners Hima Pavuluri, Rakesh Menon and SriRanga Nagendra who have exhibited perfection in their approach to training season after season. Let us learn from them on how they plan, strategize and execute a perfect 5.0 training regimen.

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
In the next episode of SX Podcast with runners, Coach Ani (Welcome to you new role podcaster!) conducts a fascinating chat with Senior RHWB runners Anirudha Nagnur, Jasira Vallappil, Indrajeet Pawar on what does the term 'Conversational Pace' means to them, how they go about executing it and what learnings they can offer to other runners.
A must listen podcast for all!

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Coach Bala in this episode talks about the following:
1. The critical job 'Rest' does to improve training effect. Why it is the most important portion of the training regimen
2. Long distance range is when we run for mor than 2 hours continuous. Lots of physiological changes happen post this. What really happens and how to prepare and train for those changes makes or breaks a run.
Let us learn that!

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Coach Bala enumerates the 3rd core pillar of RHWB - Having Fun.
How to think abt having fun during a long run, why having fun while running is essential to lo g term sustainability of this activity. listen on..

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Coach Bala in this week's message shares his view on how to think about training impact. The careful balance a runner need to strike in gaining the positive effects of consistent training and the negative effect of injury risks to the body.
FIT Framework for structured training is introduced.
F - Frequency of Runs
I - Intensity of Runs
T - Time Interval between runs Optimal interplay between these 3 pillars is when training magic happens

Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Coach Bala has a chat with his coach of 5+ years Sheri to understand her as a person, her journey as a runner and later as a senior coach who has impacted many runners in their lives!