Runners High With Bala

Legal Disclaimer: Develop, connect and create a strong network of amazing human beings. Amazing Humans = Enjoy Success and learn from failures + Help Others + Constantly be in state of self motivation + Positive mindset ​​Long distance endurance running is a medium for us to execute this mission.

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Sunday Jul 30, 2023

In this weekend's message, Coach Bala talks about the following:
1. Kickstarting Masters Program for SX
2. 'The Train' - Your training journey! What you should expect in this journey. What are the boundary conditions that you should be aware of as a runner
3. We are in the process of building Strong, slow speed cardio vascular engine as opposed to high speed low power, low endurance engine.
4. Control - An important next step in our training journey. Intro to reverse splits, Progressive reverse splits (PRS)
Reminder to order in your season T Shirts!

Friday Jul 21, 2023

In this Episode, Coach Bala talks about the following key concepts in running:
1. Benefits of Summer training towards Race Day performance
2. What is Aerobic and Anaerobic training. And how you should use the knowledge to improve your training outcome
3. Kinetic Chain - What is it and what needs to be done to improve on it!
Listen on..

Saturday Jul 15, 2023

In this first episode of SX, Coach Bala talks to Ultra Maraton runner Sonia Ahuja on her recently completed Bad Water Ultra Marathon. Billed as the 'Toughest On Foot Race' in the world, Bad Water Ultra is a tough race that demands a LOT from the participants. Sonia is nothing short of a world class athlete, a legend in her own right. Listen to this to get an in depth view into this journey.

Saturday Jul 15, 2023

Summer Training:
Means lot of imbalance when you train:
Water Imbalance
Electrolyte Imbalance
Heat Imbalance
Focus on: -
Clothing light
Replenishing water (Correct qty) and sales (Nuun Tabs)
Run slower (20 secs slower per mile for every 5def F increase in temperature)

RHWB SX Ep3: CP - How?

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Coach Bala, Sujaa and Sushma set out on a nice and easy CP destination run during their visit to Kathmandu and in the process offer few tips on how to do a good Conversational pace run!

Saturday Jun 24, 2023

As we finish first warm up week, Coach Bala talks about the power of 21 days as a habit forming zone! Do any new thing for 21 days you form a nice habit of doing that. Goal is for all us to reach that milestone and make this a nice easy habit!He also talks about the 'Inside Out' Transformation that unfolds in this training program for all of you! At its heart, the training is about 'Cardio Vascular Musculo Skeletal Mental Strength' development. 
Heart, Blood Circulation, Muscle strength, Joint Flexibility and Mental strength are core tenets that this training program tries to improve on!
Hear more to understand better!

Saturday Jun 17, 2023

Head Coach Bala sets the stage for Season X with admissions numbers and 3 key focus areas for all runners during warm up weeks - Shoes, Watch, Final Surge.
Coach Bala also talks about the foundational run - CONVERSATIONAL PACE run. What it is and how to execute that

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

Coach Bala talks about the science and concept behind Lactate Threshold.
How it affects our running when the threshold is reached and how to use this knowledge to best manage our long runs. Secondly Coach Bala talks about what mindset we need to have to NOT get into a Snatching defeat from jaws of victory syndrome.
How to define victory and what does success and defeat really mean from the context of happiness. Listen in!

Monday Apr 03, 2023

Coach Bala talks about power of having the right competetive spirit, command performance as a result of aligning your best and the D-Day. Mental benchmarking is another powerful concept that we all need to harvest and make the best use of.

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

In this weeks message, Coach Bala introduces two concepts:
1. Banked Runs: A type of run where you take a controlled break every mile to give 'rest' to your mind and body without loosing the overall plan for your run
2. Problem Solving Framework: For any long distance runner one thing that is sure to happen is some unexpected curve balls during a race or a long run. Successful long distance running is about how to tackle such unexpected problems. One needs to learn the art and science of problem solving to become good long distance runners. Coach Bala introduces one framework that can help

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